Anarchy Training Centre is Now Good Vibes Boxing

August 21, 2023
5 mins
Anarchy Training Centre is Now Good Vibes Boxing

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For the past 8 years Anarchy Training Centre has been one of the most well known Boxing gyms in Perth led by Glen Austin who also runs the extremely popular Perth Corporate Rumble which is one of the biggest nights on the Perth social calendar.

This week it was announced on social media that Glen has handed over the reins of the gym to long standing coach Ben Keam, and with a rebrand will now be known as Good Vibes Boxing.

Hear from Ben Keam of Good Vibes Boxing:

I’ve been a full-time coach for 10 years and have been a coach at Anarchy for the past 12 months. I’m an amateur boxer myself, but my main passion is for coaching. I love how it can help empower women and it gives men a chance to connect with their masculine energy in a fun, safe and healthy environment.

What Ben had to say about the change from Anarchy to Good Vibes:

The timing was perfect for both Glen & I. I was ready to step up from being a full-time coach which I’d done for the past 10 years to a gym owner , that was my natural progression and something I have dreamt of for many years

Glen has such a passion for running the Perth Corporate Rumble, it’s really become a massive event in the Perth scene. The handover really gives him a chance to double down on that.

Good Vibes Boxing will still be the home of the Perth Corporate Rumble so it worked out great and is exciting times ahead for everyone.

The Mission of Good Vibes Boxing

We really want to break the stigma that Boxing has to the general public. With Good Vibes Boxing’s more feminine branding, we want people to feel good with no intimidation. When people see Good Vibes Boxing, they know it’s a place they can come to get fit whilst releasing frustration and stress through Boxing in a loving and nurturing environment.

The new rebrand of the facility will be completed early in 2023.

Good Vibes Boxing is located at 505 Newcastle Street, West Perth.

If you’d love to trial Good Vibes out for yourself, they are offering a free month to every member who joins before the end of the year.

Find out more here

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